Mudbox is a proprietary computer-based 3D sculpting and painting tool. Currently developed by Autodesk, Mudbox was created by Skymatter, founded by Tibor Madjar, David Cardwell and Andrew Camenisch, former artists of Weta Digital, where it was first used to produce the 2005 Peter Jackson remake of King Kong. Mudbox basically didn’t have any development last year, as the Maya team now owns the Mudbox coding, so put all the development into integrating Mudbox into Maya, instead of developing for the people that actually paid for the stand alone Mudbox app, and pay subscription each year, disgraceful really. Online Help Mudbox Help is your comprehensive guide to learning and using Autodesk Mudbox. It includes instructional information, an overview of new features, tutorials, and an extensive reference section. View the Help for Autodesk Mudbox by version and language. Best free screen recording software for mac.
Autodesk has released Mudbox 2020, the latest update to its digital sculpting software. The release adds a single new feature: a data link to Flame. Adobe creative cloud cleaner tool download mac.
The smallest annual release in recent Mudbox history?
Mudbox 2020 shipped this week alongside annual updates to other Autodesk DCC applications, including Maya 2020 and Maya LT 2020, Arnold 6.0 and MotionBuilder 2020.
We imagine that accounts for the timing of the release, since according to the changelog, it contains only one new feature: the option to create a data link with Flame, Autodesk’s compositing and finishing software.
Users can round-trip assets from Flame to Mudbox to sculpt in additional detail, then merge the results back into the original scene, using the same workflow as for 3ds Max and Maya.
Unlike the similarly feature-light Mudbox 2019.1, the 2020 release doesn’t fix many bugs, either: there are just two bugfixes, both for macOS.
We think that makes Mudbox 2020 the smallest annual update to the software in recent history, adding fewer features even than the releases prior to Autodesk’s decision to “reinvest” in the software in 2017.
While that decision resulted in a couple of major updates – notably Mudbox 2018.2, with its new dynamic tessellation system – development now seems to have tailed off again.
User reaction to the release can probably be gauged by this thread on Autodesk’s AREA community forum, entitled ‘Mudbox 2020 – Is this a joke?’
Updated 19 December 2019: We contacted Autodesk to ask whether Mudbox was still in active development, and whether the size of the feature list for Mudbox 2020 would be typical of future updates.
Mudbox 2020
The company told us that “development for Mudbox continues”, and said that it would “continue to work closely with customers to ensure that future iterations of the product align with their needs”.
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Mudbox 2020 is available for Windows 7+, RHEL or CentOS 7.3-7.5 Linux, and macOS 10.13+. The software is rental-only, with subscriptions costing $10/month or $80/year.
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Mudbox Download
Tags: autodesk, data link, digital sculpting, Flame, Mudbox, Mudbox 2018.2, Mudbox 2020. Mudbox 2019.1, price, round trip, system requirements